Aims and Scope

The Aims

Deliberately Queer Journal aims to support the efforts of queer theorists and queer communities by providing an open-access, online platform to share scholarly, activist, and creative work conducted by graduate students and recent graduates from across a variety of disciplines. We aim to bring scholars together to explore queer from multiple perspectives, to create a community of graduate queer theorists and practitioners engaging with queer theory.

At this time, we are in the beginning stages of establishing this needed journal. We aim to inspire an editorial board of graduate students and recent graduates to assist with steering the path this journal will take. We encourage input from activists and members of the queer communities outside of academia to contribute to this steering, as well. In addition, we hope to inspire a diverse review board of graduate students, doctors, and practitioners from a wide-range of areas, in terms of discipline and geographic location.

The Scope

Deliberately Queer Journal is a diverse open-access, peer-reviewed journal for graduate students and recent graduates that seeks to provide a space for the widest possible queer perspectives on all issues of sex, gender, sexuality, identities, intersectionality, and power. To that end, Deliberately Queer Journal considers for publication original scholarly manuscripts that utilize any scholarly method (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, autoethnographic, etc.) and focus on any queer topic. Deliberately Queer Journal will also consider reviews of books and films that contribute to our goal of deliberately queering everything. Reviews of other texts may be considered, as well, as determined by the editors-in-chief.

Queer Graduate Interdisciplinary

DQJ Submission Page

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